Agile Leader

Curious About Certified Agile Leadership II (CAL II)?

March 23, 2023

Are you ready to take your Agile Leadership journey to the next level? Join a small team of cohorts on this six-month program that explores leadership in an Agile context and an Agile approach to change. This program is a mix of live, virtual participation each month, combined with individual work and cohort check-in.

Throughout the program, you will be identifying areas of personal growth and working on these with a Braintrust coach and members of your cohort. Guided by experienced CAL educators, this is an immersive program that helps advance your Agile Leadership skills.

New Learning Objectives

In this next cohort, we adjusted our Learning Objectives:

Know Yourself

  • Leadership 360
  • Core values
  • Johari Window
  • Accountability Partners
  • Crucibles
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Personal Retrospectives
  • Saboteurs

Know Your Team

  • Coaching
  • Grow Model
  • Delegation
  • Mentoring
  • Empathy vs sympathy
  • Conflict Resolution
  • People Analyzer

Know Your Organization

  • Culture
  • Leadership Styles
  • Coaching an Agile Organization
  • Leadership as a Team Sport
  • Organizational Structure


We asked our recent cohort students about their biggest CAL II takeaway. Here were some responses:

“Be more vocal—don’t wait to speak my mind when it’s necessary”

“Be more mindful of how I respond to others and remember to control what I can and not worry about what I can’t”

“Embrace delegation—I don’t have to do everything”

“Be more intentional about using powerful language and doing a better job of coaching”

“Listen more and ask more questions”

“Authentic leadership. Focus on being a leader and holding true to my values.”

“This has been a relief! It’s a huge reset for me and feels almost therapeutic.”

“My 1:1 with direct reports will be very different from now on. I will focus on coaching and ask permission to mentor them.”

“Review week at-a-glance to be more prepared for the week.”

“More self-aware of reactive tendencies.”

“I’m more self-aware, especially with my saboteurs and where they came from.”

Learn More

If you’re interested in learning more about CAL II, check out our class link.


Braintrust Group

Braintrust Group is a worldwide leader in Agile transformations. Through practical, hands-on training and enterprise and team coaching, we help our clients learn, plan, and implement Agile processes, such as Scrum and Kanban. Our goal is to teach our clients how to increase the predictability of delivery, decrease time-to-market, and improve overall client satisfaction.

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