
Spotlight PM for January: Ralph Jordan

January 10, 2011

What was your experience with the PMP course? What did you learn? How did it prepare you? Did you like it? Why/Why not?

The PMP Course was well designed to cover all of the necessary areas to pass the test focusing on the essential items, while, just as importantly, teaching what areas you didn’t need to know. They specified what we needed to memorize, gave us key strategies to go into the test with, set our expectations for the test, and gave us a feel for the PMI way of thinking. I highly recommend this course. They broke down the subjects into perfect sizes to digest during the course.

How difficult did was the exam when you took it? Do you think your experience taking the test would have been different without the PMP course ahead of time?

The test was different than other professional tests that I’ve taken making it difficult to judge how you are doing. There are multiple right-ish answers per question and you have to pick the best matched to the PMI thinking processes. Many times during the exam, I caught myself thinking that I’m failing miserably. Brian and Allen said, “If you know this and can do that, you will pass the test.” I followed their advice and knew what they outlined. I used this to bolster my confidence while taking the test. They were exactly right. Brian says, “Respect the test and don’t fear it”. This is right on the mark. Without their prep course, I would have felt like just knowing project management material would have been enough. With their course, I understood what I needed to know and how to apply PM knowledge. To me, this prep made the difference between passing and failing.

How do you feel the PMP course prepared you for the PMP exam?

See above, without their mentorship and guidance, I would have had the confidence to see the test through.

Tell us about some about your business /career. Why did you want to pursue PMP certification? Why did you feel this certification was needed?

I work for ATT in telco engineering. I’ve handled a number of implementation projects through out my career. Most of my recent experience is specific to the telecommunications field and most of the telco’s are reducing their workforces. While the specifics of what I do may not translate directly to another industry, the project nature of my career does. I wanted to PMP to demonstrate my abilities in the project management portion of my work. If the engineering portion of my job is outsourced, then I have my PM work to fall back on. The PMP is also the accomplishment of a personal goal.

What are your goals are with certification?

I am now able to pursue both internal and external opportunities. I also look forward to continuing my project management  education via the PMI Birmingham outlet. I have found I enjoy the PM portions of what I do and studying for the PMP test via this course has helped me better perform that work. I’m excited to grow into a better PM.

Lastly, please share any advice that you might have for others considering the PMP course/exam.

Take this course, Trust Brian and Allen, follow their advice and you will do fine.



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